In the next few weeks I will know whether or not I've been accepted to do an internship at EA (Electronic Arts) in Vancouver, B.C.
In Order to apply for the position, it was requested that I make an online portfolio (rather than the usual DVD demo reel)
So I went ahead and made myself a template and launched it on blogger.
Here it is so far:
Once I work out the little bugs, then I will be transfering the template onto the blog as well.
Here is also the demo reel that I put up on the internet:
Modeling Reel from zander on Vimeo.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Portfolio Webpage
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Demo Reel In Progress
Here is the work i've done on my demo reel (as far as presentation goes)
the models aren't where they are at the moment, but they act as "place holders" where my new renders will go
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Thursday, May 1, 2008
AoC & The Secret World
I've been hard at work this last week, getting caught up in all the work I need to finish and also getting caught up in some of my hobbies.
Here's another model that I started a couple of days ago:
Robotic Survivor
Rotation So Far:
AoC & The Secret World
Two things that I've spent way too much on, and not even playing...
I pre-ordered Age of Conan last week and have been religiously following the game as it comes closer and closer to the launch date in May.
The game looks awesome so far and my blood is rushing to start going!
The Secret World (a.k.a. Cry Gaia) is another MMO that the Funcom people are building based on today's world (first contemporary MMORPG) It was introduced as a letter sent to one of the Gaming websites, and if you figured out all the clues and riddles, it led you to the official forums/website for the game... Ingenious marketing in my opinion.
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Thursday, April 24, 2008
Some Progress
I have been hard at work this past few weeks finishing some of my 3D Portfolio work earlier so I actually have time to post on the blog and prepare my models to be presented.
Here's some progress as of right now:
Dark Eater:

Demo Reel Intro:
Tomorrow I'll be posting some info and images of the game that our class has been working on for the last few weeks. Project Codename "CATO Racers" is going to be a Racing game set in Kelowna using the Source engine from valve. Currently we are just creating assets, but hopefully we will soon have a working Alpha of the game.
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Thursday, April 10, 2008
Update: Coming Back from the Break
Hello Everyone,
Took a small week long or two break just to finish up my semester's demo reel requirements and to relieve some stress that has been building up. During my week off I wrote up some of my articles that I planned before the demo reel rush and I'll be typing them up in the next week.
Here are some of the stuff I've been working on:
Dark Eater:
My rotations:

My Progress so far:

Outdoor Level:
Platform Model:

Fallen Monument